Nice to meet you, I'm
Denise Fava
To look at the ordinary things in an extraordinary way is that attracts and inspires me. In part it’s about a natural predisposition and a great job on the other side, which made me every day more different.
From the beginning of my career I have been working on every challenge, considering every important thing, from the biggest to the smallest one, without disheartening.
I am fully convinced that every day we can learn something new and we have to go beyond what the eyes see and learn from the people who know more and have more experience than us. In this trade you have to develop and improve your abilities more and more, and if you stop being curious, you fall behind, or worse still, you totally stop.
This is a creative world made of feelings and passions, of colours and perfumes, of dedication and perseverance, but especially made of people which is often forgotten, in job as well as in life. We sell what we are and what we learned, therefore in this small description of myself I don’t want to say too much words how important is to create the event that you desire, respect your dream and make it real: this is and remains certain.
Why did I become a wedding planner?
Because I love organizing weddings, taking care of every detail, and creating unique and refined flower set-ups; I listen to the requests of the people who love each other and create from their emotions a perfect marriage, finding the right mood and creating the magical atmosphere that all loving couples deserve for a such important day.
"I will personally take care of the total organization of your wedding, event or your worries, advising and simplifying your choices, but always paying specific attention to the care of the details in order that each event is unique and special."
the best care of the
Small details
Different for Style
Research, conception and study of the style, the colours and the subject of the wedding
Dispatch of civil and religious documents
Wedding web-site creation assistance
Coordination of the couple’s appointments and their agenda
Study and organisation of all steps of the event based on the couple’s needs and requests
Research and inspection of location and church
Wedding dress and wedding suits research and assistance
Invitations, rice cones, marriage table
Photo service, Wedding Book, videoperators, drone and go-pro shoot
Mise en place planning and creation
Flower decorations in church and in municipal room, American wedding, centrepieces, car, accessories for her, for him and for guests
Total look for bride, groom, witnesses and parents
Jordan almonds, candy corner, mobile cocktail-bar
Custom made marriage gifts
Wedding rings, jewels and gifts for witnesses
Background music and musical entertainment, baby sitting
Wedding cakes, Cup Cakes, biscuits
Hotel, residence, apartments
Wedding list preparation assistance
Rental car, shuttle service
Bachelor parties and hen parties